Using Magic Sand Games for Team Building Activities

Jun 14, 2023

Team building activities can help strengthen the bonds between members and foster a collaborative work environment. Among the many innovative team building activities these days is the use of magic sand games. Magic sand is a therapeutic tool used to help teams work together while still having fun. It has the power to incite better communication and understanding between team members. In this article, we will explore the different types of magic sand games, the advantages of using these games for team building activities, and some examples of how you can play them.

Types of Magic Sand Games

Magic sand games come in many forms, from drawing and question games to worksheets and problem solving activities. Drawing and question games involve having the team use the magic sand to answer questions and draw pictures based on the prompt given. Worksheets involve having the team members draw out items and answer questions related to each other in order to solve a problem. Lastly, problem-solving games can have the team create stories and pictures from the magic sand. Each of these games offers an interesting way of testing the team’s communication and collaboration skills in an entertaining and creative way.

Drawing and Question Games

Drawing and question games are a great way to get the team working together on a common goal using the magic sand. These games involve having the team use the magic sand to draw pictures and answer quick questions based on the prompt given. These games can also involve having the team draw out the different items that they are being asked to answer questions about, or the relationships between the items. Draw and question games offer an accessible way of testing the team’s problem-solving and collaboration abilities.


Worksheets-based magic sand games involve having the team answer questions related to each other’s items and pictures drawn in the sand. Generally, each team member will draw items in the sand and then the other team members will come up with questions related to these items. This type of game offers a fun way to test the team’s problem-solving skills by having them work together to answer the questions in the most creative way they can. Worksheets-based games are also great for testing the team’s level of collaboration and communication abilities.

Problem Solving Games

Problem solving games are another type of magic sand game that teams can use for team building activities. These games involve the team working together to create stories and pictures from the sand. This can be done by having each team member draw something and then collaboratively coming up with a narrative based on the items drawn. Problem solving games provide the opportunity to improve the team’s communication and cooperation skills while also having fun.

Advantages of Magic Sand Games for Team Building

Magic sand games offer several advantages for team building activities. These games help improve communication between team members by providing a novel way to discuss or debate items and topics. Additionally, the activity encourages greater team understanding and collaboration, since members have to work together to answer questions or solve a problem. Magic sand games also foster a sense of teamwork and camaraderie among participants, since the activity is both fun and challenging. Ultimately, these games can be a powerful tool to help teams build stronger bonds and become better teams in the long run.

Improved Communication

The use of magic sand games helps improve the communication between team members by providing a novel way to discuss or debate items and topics. Since this activity requires collaboration, it encourages team members to engage in meaningful conversations. This can help team members become more comfortable with voicing their opinions and discussing different ideas together. This improved communication can help foster a better work environment and create a space where team members feel more comfortable sharing ideas.

Greater Team Understanding

Magic sand games also promote greater team understanding. Since the activities require the team to work together, it encourages collaborative problem-solving and better communication. Through working together on the task, team members can get to know each other better and gain a greater understanding of each other’s strengths and weaknesses. With improved understanding, team members can form stronger connections and engage with each other more effectively to complete the task.

More Collaborative Problem Solving

Magic sand games also encourage more collaborative problem solving. By requiring the team to work together on a task, it helps foster a sense of collaboration and teamwork. Through working together, team members can come up with creative solutions and constructive counterpoints that can lead to better problem solving. This increased collaboration can lead to more innovative ideas and help the team develop better strategies for handling larger tasks.

Examples of Magic Sand Games for Team Building

Magic sand games can provide many different examples for team building activities. One example is Create a Story. Through this game, each team member can draw characters, objects, scenes or places in the sand and then work together to come up with a story based on the items painted in the sand. Another example is Draw a Picture. This game involves having the team members draw items in the sand in order to create a scene or image which can then be used as the basis for further discussion among the team members. These games offer a unique and fun way for teams to bond and come up with creative solutions together that can be used for more complex tasks.

Create a Story

Create a Story is an example of a magic sand game that encourages collaboration between team members. Through this game, each team member can draw characters, objects, scenes or places in the sand and then work together to come up with a story based on the items painted in the sand. This is a great way to foster creativity and improve communication, since the team must come together and discuss different possibilities for the story. This game is also useful for testing the team’s collaborative problem solving abilities, since they have to figure out a story to go along with the items they have illustrated in the sand.

Draw a Picture

Draw a Picture is another example of a magic sand game that teams can play. In this game, each team member will draw different items in the sand in order to create a scene or image. This can then be used as the basis for further discussion among the team members. This game provides an opportunity to test the team’s creativity and collaboration skills as they work together to create a cohesive image and come up with interesting possibilities for the scene they have drawn. It also allows the team to practice their communication and problem-solving skills, as they work to come up with an image that makes sense.


In conclusion, magic sand is not just a educational toy for children, but also can be a useful activity for team building, magic sand games offer an exciting and creative way to promote better communication and collaboration among teams. These games can help teams build stronger relationships while also having a lot of fun. The teams can use these games to improve their communication and problem solving skills while fostering a greater sense of understanding and teamwork amongst team members. Ultimately, these games can be a powerful tool for team building and creating a more collaborative and productive work environment.

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